Even though our large group sessions range from 8-20 people at a time, we capitalize on our ability as coaches to still give you a personalized training experience when it comes to your nutrition and training goals.

The cool part: we meet and discuss the process with you for free.

Once we get to know you and your goals a bit better, we find times that work for you and your schedule!

With sessions that start before the sun rises until it sets again in the evening, we do our best to make sure everyone has a chance to train with us.

See that schedule here.

Finally, the fun part: training! Each and every session in our gym is run by a trainer to make sure your technique is spot on, you’re pushing yourself accordingly (not too much or too little), and that there are mortifications readily available so everyone can enjoy the session!

There’s no secret as to why large group training is “the thing” at Momentum Gym, and why it’s what put our gym on the map to begin with!

Quick sessions.

Big results.

And an absolute blast.

Each of our large group training sessions are only 30 minutes in duration, which makes fitting these quick (but highly effective) workouts in your schedule easy.

There’s no secret as to why large group training is our most popular service. It’s efficient, affordable, and a fantastic way to move forward with your fitness journey!

What are you waiting for?

Let’s do this thing!

Fill out the following form to learn more about our

large group training program!